Neil Perkin - Speaking


I'm a regular keynote speaker across the globe on organisational agility, digital disruption and transformation, emerging technology and innovation, and digital strategy. My talks draw on themes contained in my three books and I’ve spoken at some of the best known conferences in the world alongside many in-company events and senior leadership gatherings. Examples include Google Executive Summit, RESET conference Sydney, Advertising Week Europe, Festival of Marketing, Brand Week Istanbul and Dot Digital Summit.

'Neil gave a fantastically engaging and thought-provoking talk on Agile Transformation and Organisational Culture at FEST_19. His insights were not only well articulated, but his delivery was inspiring and memorable' 

Daniela Arevalo, Organiser, FEST_19

Some of my most in-demand speaking topics and keynotes include:

  • Agile Transformation - In today's era of rapid change, heightened unpredictability, and disruption everywhere it is not enough to be fast. True organisational agility is founded in manoeuvrability and responsiveness. As businesses of all kinds face rapidly changing consumer, competitive and company contexts, what are the secrets of successful transformation? How can executives apply true customer-centric and adaptive strategy to build momentum for change? And how can they create the culture to not only survive, but thrive in the modern world. Unmissable insights into the importance of not just doing Agile, but BEING agile

  • Agile Marketing - Digital technologies have generated new possibilities, rewired multiple industries, originated new models, and dramatically changed customer interaction, behaviour and routes to market. Whilst great marketing is still great marketing, the context for how we deliver these essential elements has changed. And changed significantly. This talk is about the huge opportunity that exists in redesigning marketing structures, strategy and execution to be fit-for-purpose for the new world.

  • Thriving in the Age of Disruption - digital has brought new competitive and scaling dynamics to just about every market so in this age of disruption, how can businesses not just survive but thrive? How can executives best understand and interpret the potential of emerging technologies, the critical opportunities in a changing environment and balance vision and direction with adaptiveness and rapid learning?

  • How Small Teams Drive Big Change - this talk focuses on agile structures and culture and the role of small, multi-disciplinary teams in creating an engine for organisational innovation, transformation, and high-velocity decision-making.

  • Technology and Marketing Trends - a keynote (customised to sector if necessary) that draws out essential insights into the practical application of emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning, Blockchain, mixed and augmented reality.

I carbon offset all of my international travel in order to minimise my impact on the environment.